Sometimes, we get too enthusiastic about a particular happening or an event in life that we feel we are destined to achieve it, ultimately, as it turns out, it just slips away. What could be the possible reason behind it? Are we unlucky, incapable or what? Such is life, my friend, often you feel lost or downtrodden by the circumstances that are beyond your control.
In Life, people pass through various phases of incredibly high achievements to terribly low dark days. In hindsight, we are presaged to be there at that particular moment. Let’s say if we go by our faculties of perceiving good and desirous things for us, they can turn out to be a nightmare for us. On the contrary, things which seem laborious and burdensome can bring fruitful outcomes for us. One can see in one’s life how many of the decisions made by him/her turned out to be fallacious, and how many things bestowed upon one by nature are crown jewels. In simple terms:
How you do anything is how you do everything!
Our life experiences testify that perseverance is the key to any successful venture in life. From familial relations to corporate affairs, we tend to be more realistic and noteworthy when we accept our flaws and move ahead. Life is a true partner in ways that are believed by some. Great humanists, prophets, nature healers, philosophers, and great souls tend to treat life as a partner in their worldly affairs. Their life experiences and dealings with the other individuals depict how calm and collected they were whenever a situation arose.
Life has hidden treasures and splendid feats for us only if we wait long enough to experience them. It doesn’t mean that we leave everything to our destiny, instead we should be the architect of our destiny and life. By that, I mean we should be resourceful and prepared to take up any challenge posed by the outside world or inner self. If a bad day mars our energies and optimistic attitude, we should revisit our thoughts and mental schema to identify what went wrong. Life is charming and magnificent if we develop an aptitude for embracing the tough days and fine days alike. Life itself makes you resourceful by providing you the sight which identifies opportunities to excel and courage to persevere.
Life is what we make of it. You get it once, and you should make it a one to recall in your memories once your energies fade away, and your youth passes through in front of you. Don’t stick to the past, look for more and beyond, certainly Life will open its doors of bliss and blessings on you!