Israel -Palestine: A promised land for Jews or the cursed land for Palestinians
Abraham’s Great grand son David, a charming youthful Messenger of God sent towards Bani Israel( the ummah of Jacob), fought a decisive battle with Goliath over a promised land for the wandering Jews of that time who finally cherished this moment of victory and began settling there. Over time, Muslims, Christians and Jews lived side by side in this land which is Holy and sacred for all of them. The Golden Dome of Rock in Jerusalem which is sacred to all Abraham’s religions kept them under one umbrella for centuries. But these transformed dramatically at the onset of 20th century and growing Jews diaspora who were affluent and had a say in critical matters of Great Empires.
British Empire and the Rothschild Family:
British crown had a long history of taking advantages from Influential Rothschild family who were deeply entrenched in the economy and banking sector of Western Europe. During 1813 to 1815, William Rothschild single-handedly funded the British forces against the Napoleon’s invading armies at the battle of Waterloo. Even after one century later, same Rothschild child family was at the back of British crown along with influential Jews community of Europe during WWI. This led to a covert negotiations between Theodore Hershel( major proponent of Zionism pertaining to political ideology of a separate Homeland for Jews of the world in Palestine) representing Jews diaspora in Europe, Lord Rothschild and British Foreign Secretary Author Balfour.
Sykes-Picot Accord 1915-1916:
British and French Negotiators met covertly during late 1915 to discuss the possible partition of Ottoman territories as fog of war was still persisting. This agreement was aimed at dividing the land of former ottoman empire into regions of French and British Mandates of which Palestine came under the mandate of British with the alleged motifs to settle in the Jews from across the Europe in Middle East at a Strategically significant location.
Balfour Declaration 1917:
Arthur Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, wrote on behalf of the Crown to Lord Rothschild that British Crown would let no stone unturned in ensuring a separate Homeland for Jews of the world in the land Palestine. This opened a flashpoint for the Middle East and wider world which led to three severe battles of Newly created colonialist state of Israel with her Arab neighbors of 1948,1967 and 1973.
Contemporary developments in Gaza and West bank: the only chunk of land Palestine is recognized for.
1993 Oslo Accord took place between Yasser Arafat (the then-leader of PLO) and Yitzhak Rabin(the then-PM of Israel) with brokering of US. It hinted at two state solution but no well defined boundaries for both the states, that’s the reason why Israel is expanding its illegal settlements with out any restraint.
Gaza is a narrow strip of land surrounded by Israel from East,north and north-east and Egypt to the south west and Mediterranean sea to the west, is the world’s largest open air prison which has now turned into rubble and the sight of lethal disproportionate invasions of IDF. Worst humanitarian crisis is being reported by the UN and other human rights agencies but these voices are falling to deaf ears. Hamas is the political body governing Gaza since 2006, and has somehow managed to take the world by surprise with a blitzkrieg on early hours of October the 07th, the Jewish festival holiday of sabbath on the 50th commemoration of Yom Kippur war of 1973 which was initiated by Egypt and Syria with almost at the same peace. Iran and its proxies (Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Ansaarullah (Houthis) in Yemen) and Russia are the vocal voices in favor of a viable solution to the long standing conflict between two warring parties. Loss of unarmed civilians is what causing the most disturbing views from the war. Regional and global alignments are transforming indicating a shift in the foreign policy decision making marked by the perpetual outreach of China and the Russia in this region who both view this as a strategic asset. But the performance of OIC is dismal, the western capitals are resonating with the voices which should have be spoken from the forum of OIC. Mere condemnation is the visible lack of will from Arab states to do anything against their economic assets, they at least can put a diplomatic pressure but so far have fallen short of it.
Although, the fog of war is making a blurred image of the foreseeable future but it is obvious that this war is much more sophisticated and requires a balanced approach in mediation between both the parties. Otherwise, other regional and global powers would be dragged directly into this war which will transcend towards a dead end street. If this conundrum is to be solved amicably, West should reorient its standards of human sufferings otherwise these guerilla fighters will hit back even harder when they have nothing to lose. Life of every individual is morally and legally equivalent under every rule of law.