Christian Evangelicals and US Foreign Policy Choices, particularly for the Middle East
In summer of 2018, 45th US President Donald J. Trump embarked on a high stake visit to Israel/West bank to officially declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel transitioning from Tel-Av-iv by inaugurating US embassy there. John Haggai, a prominent leader of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) and an outspoken evangelical, was accompanying him on the visit. This reflects a close collaboration between White House and influential Jewish lobby in US, AIPAC and CUFI just to name the few.

Backlash of 2020 US Presidential Polls
It is pertinent to mention the backlash from far-right trump supporters following his defeat in presidential elections of 2020, the violence and attack which ensued the capitol hill, was a stark reminder for all those who considered U.S as a champion of Liberal Democratic Norms. It was not just a genuine frustration of politically charged protestors, rather a systemic propagation of evangelicals who were envisaging a trump as a Redeemer. The Fundamentalists in US have their say in Congress and its affairs, Military Establishment and Ammunition and Industrial Complex. In this backdrop, Trump is running again for the Premiership and is leveraging on his far-right supporters and rhetoric of making US a protectionist state, that’s to say, prioritizing US domestic economic interests a front and resume a trade war with China.

Evangelicals and US Foreign Policy for the Middle East
Evangelicals are existentialists, who staunchly believe in Biblical Prophecies regarding End of Times, and provide material and moral support to Israel.
In 2021 alone, CUFI lobbying secured $ 3.3 Billion in military aid to Israel. AIPAC, CUFI and their sponsored Congressmen are the front runners for securing aids and grants for Israel with minimum resistance from the House of representatives and Senate. Almost 50 congressmen and a considerable number of US military servicemen are hardcore evangelicals, even some of the munitions and weapons are marked with prophecies regarding End of Times,which is mentioned in book of Revelations ( Bible).

Bi-partisan Backing for Israel in US political system
Recently, Al-Jazeera English aired two episodes of “Praying for Armageddon: Why Evangelical Christians influence US foreign policy”
This documentary aptly propounded how a Bipartisan understanding among US key stakeholders and policy makers serve the Geo-Strategic and religious-political interests of US in shape of providing relentless support to Israel. The Republicans and Democrats may have distinct way to go about their party decisions and policy choices, for as far as Israel is concerned, one hardly finds a hesitation in policy heads of both parties. There are Geo-Strategic realities which are given due significance , otherwise the bipartisan Support for Israel from US congress is greatly backed up by US voters ( 25% of registered voters are evangelicals). More than 80 million evangelicals become an irresistible force to reckon with.

Summing up the debate
The Israeli adventurism in Gaza following October 07th attacks, and the consistent backing by USA is the recent continuation of US policy in the Middle East which satisfies both domestic audience and serves the politico-strategic interests. The impact of evangelicals on US Foreign policy is apparent from bipartisan congressional support for Israel and the statements of President Biden affirming the program of innocent civilians in Gaza.